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Last Updated 5/25/07
AirTraq Preparation

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The AIRTRAQ is a single-use rigid optical laryngoscope and requires a minimal mouth opening of 18 mm.

A battery operated low temperature LED light at the blade tip provides illumination for up to 90 minutes. The image is transmitted to a proximal viewfinder through a combination of lenses and a prism allowing visualization of the glottis and surrounding structures, and the tip of the tracheal tube.  For the inbuilt anti-fogging system to be effective, the LED must be turned on at least 30 seconds before use.

Any style of endotracheal tube of inner diameter sizes 7.0 mm through 8.5 mm can be used with the regular size and 6.0 to 7.5 mm for the planned small size (16 mm minimum mouth opening). An optional color video camera clips onto the proximal viewfinder and via a lightweight cable transmits to a display (such as a TV), a useful feature for teaching purposes.

These features likely make the AIRTRAQ a good airway management option for difficult airway scenarios where conventional direct laryngoscopy might prove to be difficult or dangerous: patients with anterior larynx, unstable cervical spine fracture, patients in the sitting position, upper body burns, trauma, TMJ immobility, and micrognathia.

AirTraq Introduction