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Awards and Honors
Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation Ellison C. Pierce Award for Best Patient Safety Exhibit (Mixed Reality Thoracic Regional Anesthesia Simulator) at the American Society of Anesthesiologists annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 2013 American Society of Anesthesiologists Second Prize for Best Scientific & Educational Exhibit (Mixed Reality Simulator of Thoracic Regional Anesthesia) at the American Society of Anesthesiologists annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 2013 Samsun Lampotang, PhD 1st Place Award Winning Technology Innovation Abstract: An iPad Simulation of Skin Prepping Samsun Lampotang, Frank J. Bova, David E. Lizdas, Didier A. Rajon, William A. Friedman, Albert R. Robinson III, Isaac Luria, Wilhelm K. Schwab, Nikolaus Gravenstein: A Subset of Mixed Simulations: Augmented Physical Simulations with Virtual Underlays. Awarded Best paper in Emerging Concepts and Innovative Technologies section, Interservice/Industry Simulation & Education Conference (I/ITSEC) 2012. (video) Samsun Lampotang, PhD Lampotang S, Gravenstein N, Lizdas D, Luria I, Le H, Robinson A: Central Venous Top Gun: Clean, True, Safe. First Prize for Best Scientific and Educational Exhibit at American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) meeting, October 2011, Chicago, IL Pic Samsun Lampotang, PhD John B. Downs, MD, Nikolaus Gravenstein, MD, David E. Lizdas, BSME, Krista Haines, Isaac Luria, MS, Samsun Lampotang, PhD: Pulse Oximetry, An Accurate Monitor for Detection of Hypoventilation. Exceptional Merit, Scientific and Educational Exhibit, American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) meeting, October 2009, New Orleans, LA Samsun Lampotang, PhD, John P. Quarles, MSEE, David E. Lizdas, BSME, Ira S. Fischler, PhD, Nikolaus Gravenstein, MD, Isaac Luria, MS, Paul Fishwick, PhD, Benjamin E. Lok, PhD: The Augmented Anesthesia Machine, a Mixed Reality Application in Anesthesia. Third prize, Scientific and Educational Exhibit, American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) meeting, October 2008, Orlando, FL John Quarles, currently a faculty member at University of Texas, San Antonio, was the 2008-2009 recipient of an Advanced Simulation and Training Fellowship from the Link Foundation as a CISE PhD candidate and member of the VERG and VAM research groups, for his doctoral research on the Augmented Anesthesia Machine Lampotang S, 2007 recipient of the Society for Education in Anesthesia/Duke Award for Excellence and Innovation in Anesthesia Education Transparent reality simulation identified as an emerging enhanced visualization technology 4 - 5 years away from adoption by the Horizon Report 2006, a collaboration between New Media Consortium and EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative, 2006 First Prize in the category "Sharing Learning Objects" (shared with PUC-Rio) for the paper: "Lampotang S, Lizdas DE: "Applying learning object principles to simulation: The anesthesia machine pre-use check" at the 3rd Partnership in Global Learning conference: "Consolidando Experiências em eLearning" "Consolidating eLearning Experiences", December 1-2, 2005, São Paulo, Brazil Lampotang S, International Business Machines (IBM) Faculty Award. 2005. Lampotang S, Award for Innovative Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Technology, University of Florida, April 2003 Lampotang S, Lizdas DE, Gravenstein N, Liem EB: Web-based educational simulation of an anesthesia machine. Outstanding (First Prize), Scientific and Educational Exhibit, American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) meeting, October 2001, New Orleans, LA Lampotang S, Lizdas DE, Gravenstein N, Liem EB: Web-based educational simulation of an anesthesia machine. Best Scientific Exhibit for Patient Safety, Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation (APSF) Ellison C. Pierce award, American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) meeting, October 2001, New Orleans, LA Lampotang S, Dobbins W, Good ML, Gravenstein N, Gravenstein
D: Interactive, Web-based,
educational simulation of an anesthesia machine, Best Abstract
for Application of Technology to Education, Society for Technology
in Anesthesia (STA) meeting, January 2000, Orlando,
FL |
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