with Accessing the VAM Simulation
Requirements to Run the VAM Simulation
Are you using a Windows or Mac operating system?
The simulation can only be viewed on the Windows and Mac platforms.
It cannot be used on other platforms (including Unix / Linux operating
systems) because of the unavailability of a Shockwave player (a web-browser
plug-in) for these other platforms. Some users have reported being
able to run the VAM simulation on a Linux platform by using a Windows
emulator for Linux.
Are you using the latest version of the Shockwave
The most
current Shockwave player can be downloaded from the Adobe
(Note the Adobe Flash and Shockwave players are not the same.)
Are you using the Internet Explorer or Netscape
Navigator or Opera web-browser?
A Shockwave player / plug-in has to be downloaded that is specific
for each web-browser. There are only versions available for Internet
Explorer (including the AOL version), Netscape Navigator/Opera browsers.
Other web-browsers are not supported.
Still having problems accessing the VAM simulation? Drop us a note
at the feedback section.
Using the VAM Simulation Without a Live Internet Connection
If you must teach with the VAM simulation in an area without Internet
access, first access the VAM simulation from a laptop, notebook or
portable computer at a nearby location with Internet access. Once
the simulation is working the computer can be disconnected from the
Internet. Make sure your battery has sufficient charge for the trip.
Keeping your portable computer powered and your web-browser running,
transport the computer to the location without Internet access and
you should be able to use the VAM simulation there. If your laptop
goes into "sleep" mode, click on "Reset" (on the
orange column on the right of the VAM simulation screen) and then
"Pause Animation" before transport. When you arrive at the
location without Internet access, click on "Resume Animation"
and then "Reset" before using the VAM simulation.
If you cannot run unconnected to the Internet (as described above),
which would be unlikely, then try to select a room for teaching where
there is some kind of Internet connection, whether this is through
a modem, LAN or wireless access point. The VAM simulation is approximately
0.5 MB in size. It can be accessed even with a relatively slow Internet
connection, like a dial-up modem, in about 7 minutes.