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Last Updated 5/3/05
Simulation of the Anesthesia Machine Pre-Use Check

We kindly request that you first fill an anonymous survey which will take only a few minutes before you can access our preliminary simulation of the anesthesia machine pre-use check. On your next visit, when you click on the link below, you will be taken directly to the simulation and will not have to fill the survey.

The pre-use check simulation is implemented in three modules: See one, Do one, Teach one. Currently, only the "See one" module is implemented where learners can watch a transparent reality simulation of the pre-use check being properly performed. The user can control transition to the next step in the 1993 FDA pre-use check by clicking the "Next" and "Show Me" button. The rationale for each step is explained when pressing the "Rationale" button.

At the end of the survey, you will be provided access to the pre-use check simulation. Thank you for your participation in the survey.

Click here for the informed consent form

Click here to participate in the survey/access the pre-use check simulation