Last Updated 2/15/06
Patient Safety

This page links to publications resulting from VAM team research related to patient safety.

Ensuring adequate ventilation with a self-inflating manual resuscitator
Lampotang S, Lizdas DE, Gravenstein N, Robicsek S: Audible indication of exhalation increases delivered tidal volume during bag valve mask ventilation of a patient simulator. Anesthesia & Analgesia 102:168-71, 2006

Anesthesia machine pre-use check
Lampotang S, Moon S, Lizdas DE, Feldman JM, Zhang RV: Anesthesia machine pre-use check survey - Preliminary results, abstracted. Anesthesiology 103:A1195, 2005
ASA Poster in FlashPaper format - use the slider bar to zoom in to read poster

Prevention of surgical fires
ASA 2004 abstract FDO2 Accuracy When Supplying Nasal Cannulae from Common Gas Outlets.
ASA 2004 poster in FlashPaper format - use the slider to zoom in to read the poster
Full paper Anesthesia & Analgesia 101:1407-12, 2005

Room contamination from bellows leak
Lampotang S, Sanchez JC, Chen BX, Gravenstein N: Effect of a bellows leak in an Ohmeda 7810 ventilator on room contamination, inspired oxygen, airway pressure and tidal volume. Anesthesia & Analgesia 101:151-4, 2005