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Last Updated 06/13/11
Coronary Circulation Model

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Coronary Circulation Model

Coronary circulation model
To reference this educational web simulation according to the APA style for Web references, use:

van Oostrom JH, Kentgens S, Beneken JEW, Gravenstein JS (2006):  Coronary circulation model Transparent reality web simulation. Retrieved <insert date of retrieval here>, from University of Florida Department of Anesthesiology Transparent Reality Simulation Web site: http://vam.anest.ufl.edu/simulations/cv/

This model of the coronary circulation is integrated with a model of the systemic circulation, and contains models for oxygen supply and demand.  The model is based on compartments: right ventricle, epicardial segment of the left ventricle and endo-cardial segment of the left ventricle. The model is implemented in the Java programming language and contains a visual representation of the left and right ventricles which beat in real time. Color shading is used to represent the partial pressure of oxygen in the segments. A multitude of model parameters can be changed to simulate different scenarios.  The output of the model has been characterized under different conditions and the results verified by clinicians.  Funding for this model was provided in part by the I Heermann Anesthesia Foundation.  Additional information has been published as a peer-reviewed scientific publication at http://www.springerlink.com/content/g54r777k28385108/


JH van Oostrom
S Kentgens
JEW Beneken
JS Gravenstein

Funding was provided in part by the I Heermann Anesthesia Foundation