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Last Updated 03/22/12
Proper Rhythm with the Self Inflating Manual Resuscitating Bag

To reference this educational web simulation according to the APA style for Web references, use:

Lampotang S, Lizdas D. (2011): Proper Rhythm with the Self-Inflating Manual Resuscitator. Retrieved <insert date of retrieval here>, from University of Florida Department of Anesthesiology Virtual Anesthesia Machine Web site: Simulation:

How close are you to the recommended adult rate?

This simulation measures the user's manual breath delivery frequency. It asks for ten breaths, then displays the frequency of those ten breaths. It then provides instant feedback of the frequency as well as a metronome for adult and pediatric ventilation rate.

Why is this important? Hyperventilation can drop the patient's CO2 levels, which reduces the patient's desire to breath, raises the blood pH, and causes vasoconstriction that reduces blood transport to the brain. Hypoventilation provides insufficient oxygen and allows CO2 to accumulate.




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