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Last Updated 5/30/08
Simulation Faculty Learning Community (SimFLC)

The recently-created Simulation Faculty Learning Community (SimFLC) is funded by the University of Florida Provost's Office to provide a venue for all faculty, students and staff engaged in simulation to exchange information and ideas regarding their expertise, needs and interests. The SimFLC is open to the public, especially those engaged in education, training and simulation and game development. To help grow our simulation learning community, we are providing these different mechanisms below.

Seminars: We offer a series of free, monthly simulation seminars. Lunch is served at the Gainesville location. Everybody welcome.

Wiki: A simulation wiki is available that anyone can edit. We will gladly provide help to those unfamiliar with wikis or the free simulations at the VAM simulation portfolio.

Listserv: A simflc-l listserv facilitates discussion between SimFLC members.

Bulletin board: A section of the VAM bulletin board is set aside for SimFLC members.

For questions related to the SimFLC, please email or call (273 6781) the lead facilitator, Sem Lampotang.