Home / CME
Last Updated 5/15/07

Sem Lampotang, PhD
Professor of Anesthesiology
Department of Anesthesiology
University of Florida College of Medicine

Each of the 6 anesthesia machine sub-systems below is the subject of a one-credit CME course. The coursework for each sub-system is described below. You must go through the course materials outlined below for each sub-system before taking its corresponding quiz. The course materials are based on the Virtual Anesthesia Machine (VAM) web simulation and Chapter 1 of the APSF anesthesia machine workbook. You must be registered as a VAM user to obtain free access to the VAM simulation and workbook. Registration is free. Each CME credit costs US$ 5.

APSF Workbook Chapter 1

High Pressure System
pages 1- 14, 15-23

Low Pressure System
pages 1 -14, 24-31

Breathing Circuit
pages 1 - 14, 32 - 38

Manual Ventilation
pages 1 - 14, 39 - 45

Mechanical Ventilation
pages 1 - 14, 46 - 53

Scavenging System
pages 1 -14, 54 - 60


VAM Simulation

Obtaining CME credits
Step 1: Register as a new VAM user if not already registered. Provide a valid email address; an invalid email address will prevent you from receiving an email that allows you to activate your VAM registration
Step 2: Pick one of the 6 CME modules above
Step 3: Access the pages of the workbook corresponding to the CME module you picked - you may wish to print it or leave it open in a browser window
Step 4: Launch the VAM simulation and run through the structured simulation exercises in the workbook - if you left the workbook open in a browser window, you can toggle between the two windows to go back and forth between the workbook and the simulation
Step 5: Take the quiz
Step 6: Evaluate the CME course
Step 7: Provide registration data and payment information (US$25 per CME credit), and receive your CME certificate through the mail.

Hardware and Software Requirements: 650 MHz PC, 128 MB RAM, Windows or MAC operating system, and the free Macromedia Shockwave and Flash players are required for viewing the course materials (VAM web simulation and APSF workbook)


Author: Dr. Sem Lampotang
Contact: Sem Lampotang
Version: Produced by the Office of Medical Informatics
Copyright: 2003 by the University of Florida
Created: June 25, 2003 Modified: April 13, 2004