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Past Presentations & Workshops Lampotang S: Simulation-based assessment of awareness of racial differences in propofol sensitivity SiH M&S Affinity group webinar; June 6, 2016 (video) Lampotang S, Lizdas DE, Derendorf H, Gravenstein N, Lok B, Quarles JP: Simulation-Based Assessment of Awareness in Medical Students and Anesthesia Providers to Race Differences in Propofol Pharmacodynamics. Poster presented by Samsun Lampotang, PhD at the International Anesthesia Research Society meeting, May 23, 2016, San Francisco, CA Gator RAP Workshop 2016 ANESTHESIOLOGY® 2015
ASA Scientific and Educational Exhibit: "A Cross-Sectional Literacy and Ultrasound Skills Trainer" 2015 UF Health Celebration of Research The International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) 2014 UF College of Medicine Procedurepalooza 43nd Annual Refresher Course for Nurse Anesthetists 4th World Congress of Regional Anaesthesia & Pain Therapy (WCRAPT) American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting Georgia Society of Anesthesiologists (FSA) 2014 , What's the best approach on the Interscalene Block? Florida Society of Anesthesiologists (FSA) 2014 , Regional Anesthesia simulator: Thoracic Epidural and Thoracic Paravertebal Blocks International Anesthesia Research Society 2014 2014 Anesthesiology Celebration of Research Day 2014 UF Medical Student Research Day 14th Asian Australasian Congress of Anaesthesiologists, February 21-25, 2014, Auckland, New Zealand Northwestern University GatorRAP International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, January 25-29, 2014, San Francisco, CA, Society for Technology in Anesthesia Meeting, January 15-18, 2014, Orlando, FL Smart Monitoring 2014: Pathways to Automated Critical Care ASA Scientific and Educational Exhibit: "Mixed Reality Regional Anesthesia Simulator for Learning Psychomotor and Cognitive Skills Related to Thoracic Epidural, Thoracic Costal and Thoracic Paravertebral Nerve Blocks" ASA Anesthesia machine workshop Asia Pacific Mtg on Simulation in Healthcare Medical Professional Career Outreach Program, UF College of Medicine's Office of Diversity and Health Equity 19th Annual Meeting of the Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medecine (SESAM 2013) 2013 Celebration of Research, UF Department of Anesthesiology Poster: Monitoring Consciousness Via Pulse Oximeter Motion Artifact Poster: An Interactive iPad Simulation of Torso Ultrasonography (Prize winner) Poster: An iPad Simulation of Skin Prepping IEEE Virtual Reality 2013 VR Research in the State of Florida Paper presentation: Samsun Lampotang, David Lizdas, Didier Rajon, Isaac Luria, Nikolaus Gravenstein, Yashwant Bisht, Wilhelm Schwab, William Friedman, Frank Bova, Albert Robinson III: Mixed Simulators; Augmented Physical simulators with virtual underlays 2013 Celebration of Research, UF College of Medicine Poster: Monitoring Consciousness Via Pulse Oximeter Motion Artifact Poster: An Interactive iPad Simulation of Torso Ultrasonography Poster: An iPad Simulation of Skin Prepping 3rd World Congress Of Regional Anaesthesia And Pain Therapy 2013 13th International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH 2013) Poster Presentation: An interactive iPad simulation of torso ultrasonography CTSI Seminar I/ITSEC 2012 Paper Presentation: A Subset of Mixed Simulations: Augmented Physical Simulations with Virtual Underlays Exhibit of Mixed Procedural Simulator, Thursday Dec 6, 10AM - 1PM, Room W307 C&D 2012 Simulation Summit American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting Anesthesia Machine Workshop G. Goldenhersh MD, N. Gravenstein MD, D. Lizdas, Y. Bisht, M. Gravenstein, S. Lampotang PhD: 2012 Professional Outreach Day (community service project) From hissing roaches to heartbeats, students glimpse future of possibilities Grand Rounds: Subclavian Central Venous Access Mixed Reality Simulator Experience� The Annual Southern Group on Educational Affairs (SGEA) Demonstration - "Simulating Subclavian Central Venous Access with the UF Mixed Reality Simulator" 15th WFSA World Congress of Anaesthesiologists Poster Presentation entitled; "Simulator-based study of the Drager Apollo Low Flow Wizard: Preliminary results" University of Florida College of Medicine Celebration of Research Lampotang S, Danek G, Lizdas D, Gravenstein N: Prevalence of dependent loops in urine drainage systems in hospitalized patients. (Presented by Dr. Lampotang) Poster Paper Gibby G, Lizdas D, Lampotang S: Profiled vessel model for simulating bladder cystometrogram. (Presented by Dr. Lampotang) Poster Hooten K, Lister R, Lombard G, Lampotang S, Bova F, Rajon D, Murad G: Testing and validation of the University of Florida Ventriculostomy simulator. Lampotang S, Lizdas D, Burdick A, Luria I, Rajon D, Schwab W, Bova F, Lombard G, Lister R, Friedman W: A mixed simulator of ventriculostomy practice. Poster Lampotang S, Lizdas D, Luria I, Schwab W, Robinson A, Gravenstein N: A mixed simulator for subclavian central venous access. Poster Pitkin A, Lizdas D, Lampotang S: An educational simulation of hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Lampotang S, Luria I, Schwab W, Lizdas D, Gravenstein N: Simulator-based study of the Drager Apollo Low Flow Wizard.Poster Robinson A, Gravenstein N, Cooper LA, Luria I, Lizdas D, Lampotang S: Subclavian central venous access mixed reality simulator: preliminary experience. (Presented by Dr. Robinson) Poster Chuah J, Robb A, White C, Wendling A, Lampotang S, Kopper R, Lok B: Using virtual humans for medical team training. (Presented by UF CISE doctoral candidate Chuah) SPA/AAP Pediatric Anesthesiology 2012 Northwestern University, Anesthesiology Department Workshops & Seminars 12th International Meeting on
Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) Poster Presentation entitled:"Profiled vessel model for simulating bladder cystometrogram" Poster Presentation entitled:"A mixed simulator for ventriculostomy practice" Poster Presentation entitled:"A mixed simulator for subclavian central venous access" Serious Games Arcade - Demo of Mixed Reality Game for Subclavian Central Venous Access Oral Presentation entitled: "Profiled Vessel Model for Simulating Bladder Cystometrogram" 1st Annual Multispecialty Robotic Microsurgery Symposium Subclavian Central Venous Access Simulator Demo ASA Annual Meeting Anesthesia Machine Workshop: This 3-hour hands-on workshop will use different designs of anesthesia machines set out along the edge of a large hall. An instructor will be assigned to each machine. The main topics covered by the workshop will be pre-use check of the machine, special/unique features of the design (useful features; things to watch out for, failure modes) and intra-operative troubleshooting. Robinson A, Gravenstein N, Cooper L, Luria I, Lizdas D, Lampotang S: Subclavian Central Venous Access Mixed Reality Simulator: Preliminary Experience. Abstract presented as a poster discussion at the annual meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, McCormick Place, Chicago, October 18, 2011 Lampotang S, Lampotang K, Lizdas D, Schwab W, Gravenstein N: Fluid�filled dependent loops in chest drainage systems impede lung re-inflation in an in-vitro model. Abstract presented as a poster at the annual meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, McCormick Place, Chicago, October 17, 2011 Schwab W, Lizdas D, Gravenstein N, Lampotang S: Urine drainage tubing configuration affects urinary system outflow pressure in an in vitro model. Abstract presented as a poster at the annual meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, McCormick Place, Chicago, October 17, 2011 Sidi A, Berkenstadt H, Ziv A, Euliano T, Lampotang S, White C: Evaluating construct validity of simulation-based OSCE for for summative assessment in an anesthesiology teaching program. Abstract presented as a poster at the annual meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, McCormick Place, Chicago, October 15, 2011 Sidi A, Euliano T, Lampotang S, White C: Using simulation-based education to pinpoint curriculum deficiencies in an anesthesiology teaching program. Abstract presented as a poster at the annual meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, McCormick Place, Chicago, October 15, 2011 Association for Vascular Access Annual Scientific Meeting American Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting Lampotang S. Simulation at the UF Academic Health Center March 10, 2011 in C2-31A � HSC library Simulation in Anesthesia, Monday, Sept. 27 in the simulator lab. University of Florida. Gainesville FL. American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA October 18th, 2010 Lampotang S:� Simulation - A fertile and growing research field for patient safety and promotion and tenure.� Anesthesiology Research Rounds, Nanoscale Research Facility, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, June 2, 2010 Gravenstein N, Lampotang S, Medlin D: �The UF Patient Simulation Triangle: Merging Physical, Virtual and Human Simulations - A Personal Interactive Experience�, Oak Hammock, Gainesville, Florida, May 6th, 2010 22nd Annual Winter Anesthesia Conference, Simulation in Anesthesia, March 10, 2010, Silvertree Hotel, Snowmass Village, CO UF HSC Symposium for Teaching and Learning with Technology, Development and Applications of UF Technology for Simulation in Healthcare in the Last Quarter Century, March 8, 2010, Communicore Building, HSC Library Collaboration Center (C2-41A), University of Florida, Gainesville, FL Video International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, Expert Panel:� The Simulation Triangle:� Merging Physical, Virtual and Human Simulations, Phoenix, Arizona, Monday, January 25, 2010 American Society
of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting, New Orleans,
Louisiana, October 16 -21, 2009 Augmented Apollo Anesthesia Machine Demonstration at the Drager booth (Pic) Virtual ChloraPrep Simulation at the CareFusion booth (Pic1) (Pic2) Virtual Fabius GS simulation at the Drager booth (Pic) Doug Medlin, Sem Lampotang: "Research: What Has the University of Florida Done for You Today?" at the invitation of Dr. Robert and Mrs. Rosita Williams, Vicar's Landing, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, September 30th, 2009 Northwestern University, Anesthesiology Department Workshops & Seminars. Anesthesia Machine Workshop: Understanding Our Work "Spouse": Hands-on station for the Augmented Apollo Workstation. Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL, September 12, 2009 NYU Medical Center, Anesthesiology Departmental Grand Rounds, "Transparent and Augmented Reality Simulations in Anesthesia", New York City, NY, August 19, 2009, Lampotang S, Quarles JP, Lizdas DE, Fischler I, Gravenstein N, Luria I, Fishwick P, Lok B: Mixed Simulation Improves Understanding of Medical Equipment. Poster presentation at the University of Florida College of Medicine Research Day, April 29, 2009 Dinner lecture, DC Society of Anesthesiologists, April 7, 2009 METI Human Patient Simulator Network (HPSN) Conference, March 17 - 19, 2009, Marriott Waterside Hotel & Marina, Tampa, Florida American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) Faculty Development Workshop, February 25, 2009, Renaissance Orlando Resort at SeaWorld, Orlando, Florida International
Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, Lake Buena Vista,
Florida, at the Walt Disney World � Contemporary Resort PGA meeting, New York Marriott Marquis, New York, Demonstration of the mixed reality Augmented Apollo anesthesia owrkstation, Dec 13 - 15, 2008 Winter Simulation Conference, InterContinental Hotel, Miami, Florida, USA, December 7 - 10 , 2008. Lampotang, Lizdas, Tumino, Gravenstein N, Wilkhu: Panoramic, Screen-Based Simulation with Dynamic Background, poster presentation What Really Works in Educational Simulations for Healthcare Conference, November 21 - 23, 2008, by the Health Education Technology Research Unit (HETRU) at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), the Network of Excellence in Simulation for Clinical Teaching & Learning (NESCTL), Keynote speaker "Emerging Technologies and the Future of Educational Simulations", 6.00 pm, November 22, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada - Conference brochure Medica conference, D�sseldorf, Germany, Demonstration of the mixed reality Augmented Primus anesthesia workstation, November 19 - 22, 2008 (Pic) American Society
of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida,
October 18 - 22, 2008 2. Session 2. Advanced Workshop on the Aestiva and Apollo Anesthesia
Machines 3. Scientific Exhibit "The Augmented Anesthesia Machine - A Mixed
Reality Application in Anesthesia" 12:30
p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, October 19 4. ASA poster; Zheng G, Schwab W, Gravenstein N, Morey TE, Lampotang S: Heliox as Carrier Gas for Isoflurane Wash-Out. Scientific poster; Hall E2, area M, October 19, 2008 from 2:00pm to 4:00 pm Augmented Apollo Anesthesia Machine Demonstration at the Drager booth (Pic) Virtual Fabius GS simulation at the Drager booth (Pic) University of Florida Department of Anesthesiology Golden Anniversary
Celebration Quarles J, Lampotang S, Fischler I, Fishwick P, Lok B: A Mixed Reality System to Enable Collocated After Action Review. Presented at the International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), Cambridge, United Kingdom, September 2008 The
37º Congreso Argentino de Anestesiologia, Sheraton
Hotel, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 13 - 16, 2008 Thursday, August 14th Thursday, August 14th Department of Anesthesia, St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto and Allen Waters' Family Simulation Centre, Visiting Professor Dinner Rounds, "Web-enabled, panoramic and augmented reality simulations", July 22, 2008 Globe Bistro, 124 Danforth Avenue, Toronto, Canada Society for Education in Anesthesia Spring Annual Meeting. Conference theme: Moving Education out of the Classroom: Technology in Education. Workshop A: "Virtual Simulation". The Alexander All-Suite Ocean Front Resort, Miami Beach, Florida, June 6, 2008. Brigham & Women's Hospital, June 4, 2008 Simulation Faculty Learning Community Inaugural Lecture: “Screen-Based, Web-Enabled and Panoramic Simulations", Sem Lampotang, PhD, G-112, Health Professions, Nursing and Pharmacy (HPNP) Building, University of Florida Health Science Center, Gainesville, Florida, April 28, 2008, noon - 1.00 Lampotang S, Kaschub CE, Lizdas DE, Fischler I: Transparent Reality Simulation Enhances Learning of Anesthesia Machine Function and Dynamics. Poster presentation at the University of Florida College of Medicine Research Day, April 23, 2008 Hospital for Special Surgery Department of Anesthesiology Grand Rounds Lecture "Tools for Understanding the Anesthesia Machine", Main Conference Center, April 17, 2008, New York, NY IEEE Virtual Reality 2008 conference, Quarles J, Lampotang S, Fischler I, Fishwick P, Lok B: Mixed reality merges abstract and concrete knowledge. Reno, NV, March 10, 2008IEEE 3D User Interfaces Conference, Quarles J, Lampotang S, Fischler I, Fishwick P, Lok B: Tangible user interfaces compensate for low spatial cognition, Reno, NV, March 8, 2008 World Congress of Anaesthesiologists, Cape Town International Conference Center, March 2 - 7, 2008, Cape Town, South Africa, see WCA 2008 brochure in PDF format. 1. Saturday March 1, Guest faculty, "Demonstration of
a panoramic screen-based simulation", 15.30 - 16.00, South African
Society of Anaesthesiologists. Cape Town International Convention Center, University of Florida Health Science Center Instructional Support Committee. "Update on Simulation Technology & Education at the UF Health Science Center", February 20, 2008 University of Florida College of Dentistry, Lunch -n- Learn: "Simulation Education at UF HSC and Avenues for Collaboration". Monday, Jan. 28, 2008, Room D8-46, Dental School, Noon - 1:00pm International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. Work in progress abstract: A panoramic display-based simulation with interactive, dynamic background. January 14, 2008, Marriott San Diego Hotel & Marina, San Diego, California International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare. Invited to present the Simulated Anesthesia Experience simulation at Workshop 6.16 "Step-by-step building of a microsimulator (Flatscreen simulator)". January 15, 2008, Marriott San Diego Hotel & Marina, San Diego, California EUFEPS Conference on Optimising Drug Discovery and Development: Integrating systems approaches into pharmaceutical sciences. 11.45 - 12.15, Wednesday December 5 lecture: The virtual patient: Biosimulation in anaesthesia. December 5 - 7, 2007, Basel Convention Center, Basel, Switzerland American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual
Meeting, Moscone Center, San Francisco, California,
October 13 - 17, 2007 3. Anesthesia Machines of 2007 – How to Make Them Work
for You; A Hands-On Workshop October 15, 2007 4. Yavas S, Lizdas D, Gravenstein N, Lampotang S: Interactive web simulation of propofol and fospropofol, a new propofol pro-drug. Poster presentation, October 15, 2007 View abstract. (Poster) 5. Exhibit of the APSF/UF simulation of the FDA 93 anesthesia machine pre-use check and latest simulations from the VAM team at the APSF booth. 6.� Exhibit of the Simulated Anesthesia Experience, a panoramic simulation of intra-operative use of neuromuscular blockade developed by the VAM team, at the Organon booth (picture1, picture2) Society for Education in Anesthesia 2007 Fall
Meeting, San
Francisco, CA 2. Lampotang S: "A Tale of Two Simulators". October 12, 2007, San Francisco Hilton Northwestern University, Anesthesiology
Department Workshops
& Seminars. Anesthesia Machine Workshop: Understanding
Our Work "Spouse": University of Mauritius, Medical Update Lecture Series, Mannequins, Simulators and E-learning in Medicine, July 25, 2007, University of Mauritius, Le Reduit, Mauritius University of Florida, Board of Trustees reception, June 14, 2007, 6.00 - 7.00 pm, HUB Building, University of Florida campus, Gainesville, Florida 19th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science meeting: Fischler I, Kaschub C, Lizdas D, Lampotang S: Facilitating Learning of Complex Systems via Transparent Reality Simulation, Poster Session II - Board: II-093, Friday May 25, 2007, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM, Exhibit Hall, Washington DC Winter Anesthesia Conference, an anesthesia ski conference organized by the University of Florida Department of Anesthesiology at Snowmass Village, Colorado, March 10 - 16, 2007. Ample free time is provided between the morning (7 - 9 am) and afternoon (4 - 6 pm) lecture blocks.
University of Florida - 2006 Faculty Showcase & Symposium, Grand Ballroom, Reitz Union building, November 7, 2006, University of Florida campus, Gainesville, Florida American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) meeting,
October 14 - 18, 2006, Chicago, IL Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine (SESAM), 12th Annual Meeting, Workshop: Mental models for clinical practice, "Hemostasis Mental Models", Porto, Portugal, June 30, 2006 Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, "Sécurité des appareils d’anesthésie: vérification avant utilisation et sa simulation " , SERVICE D'ANESTHESIOLOGIE ENSEIGNEMENT. COURS POST-GRADUES, Lundi de 07h00 à 07h45, Salle de cours d'Anesthésiologie – OPERA, Geneva, Switzerland, 19 Juin 2006 Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, Journée Risques et sécurité en médecine: La simulation: du concept à l'utilisation: Thème: "Le role de la simulation dans la gestion et la prévention des risques en médecine". Geneva, Switzerland, 16 Juin 2006 - All presentations will be in French. Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists 53rd
Annual Meeting, "New Territory in Anesthesiology" National Extension Technology Conference NETC 2006 "Enhancing Teamwork with Technology", Field trip to Center for Simulation, Advanced Learning and Technology, Room CG-75, Communicore Building, Gainesville, FL, 1..45 - 2.45 pm, May 9, 2006 ASA Simulation Saturday at the University of Florida, Gainesville campus, March 11, 2006. Preliminary program and registration 6th
Annual International Meeting on Medical Simulation, January 14-17,
2006, Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina, San Diego, California 3rd
Partnership in Global Learning conference: "Consolidating eLearning
Experiences", December 1-2, 2005, São Paulo, Brazil: 6th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE), November 20-22, 2005, New York City, NY. Su SYW, Lee G, Lampotang S: "Learning Object and Dynamic E-Learning Service Technologies for Simulation-Based Medical Instruction". Workshop2: Web-Based Learning (North Parlor I & II) Innovative Applications, Sunday Nov 20, 1.30 - 3.30 pm. Food & Drug Administration Office of Device Evaluation Vendor Day, November 16, 2005. 9.00 am - 12.00 pm, 9200 Corporate Boulevard, Conference Room 020B, Rockville, Maryland Northwestern University, Chicago, Anesthesiology Department Workshops
& Seminars.Anesthesia
Machine Workshop: Understanding Our Work "Spouse": American Society of Anesthesiologists
(ASA) meeting, Chinese Society of Anesthesiologists annual meeting, Lecture: "Free Educational Simulation of the Anesthesia
Machine Pre-Use Check", Guangzhou, China, September 4, 2005 University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS) "Creating Virtual Labs" Workshop, "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Simulation", Digital Worlds Institute, Norman Hall Gym, University of Florida campus, Gainesville, Florida, August 16, 2005 Association for Low Flow Anaesthesia (ALFA) meeting, "Transparent Reality Simulation and Low Flow Anaesthesia", Medical Simulation Centre, Bristol, United Kingdom, July 14, 2005. Click here for a copy of the abstract in the ALFA 2005 program book. Florida Society of Anesthesiologists annual conference, "Anesthesia Machine Pre-use Check", Computer Based Simulator Workshop, The Breakers, Palm Beach, Florida, June 25, 2005. Click here for a copy of the presentation in the FSA 2005 syllabus/program book. International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS) meeting. "Audible indicator of exhalation improves delivered tidal volume during bag valve mask ventilation of a patient simulator". Abstract presentation. Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 11-15, 2005, .Poster in FlashPaper format - use the slider to zoom in to read the poster. Society for Technology in Anesthesia Meeting, Show and Share session, "The Virtual Anesthesia Machine", Miami, Florida, Friday, January 14, 2005 Faculty IT showcase organized by University of Florida Office of Academic Technology, "Transparent Reality Simulation as an e-Learning Tool", November 16, 2004 Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation (APSF) booth at the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) annual meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, exhibit runs from Sunday October 24 to Tuesday October 26, 2004. Click here to view VAM handout at APSF booth at ASA 2004 meeting as a FlashPaper document. American
Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) annual meeting Poster presentation:
Lampotang S, Paulus DA, Gravenstein N: FDO2
Accuracy When Supplying Nasal Cannulae from Common Gas Outlets.
Hall C2, Las Vegas Convention Center, 2.00 - 4.00 pm, October 25, 2004,
Las Vegas, Nevada Visiting Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, Beijing Union Medical College Hospital, Beijing, China, "Instructor version of Virtual Anesthesia Machine simulation", 2.00 - 5.30 pm, September 16, 2004 Visiting Professor, Beijing Institute of Heart, Lung and Blood Vessel Diseases, An Zhen Hospital of Capital University of Medical Science, Beijing, China, "Virtual Anesthesia Machine", 9.00 am - 2.00 pm, September 16, 2004 Chinese Society of Anesthesiologists annual meeting, Chinese Virtual Anesthesia Machine Simulation and Workbook, Top-City International Conference Center, Beijing, China, September 13, 2004 Chinese Society of Anesthesiologists annual meeting. Satellite Symposium on The Application and Implication of Modern Medical Simulation for Anesthesiology. The Developing Frontier of Simulation in Anesthesiology Education and Training, Jin Guan Hotel, Beijing, China, 2.00 - 4.00 pm, September 10, 2004 Partnership in Global Learning, Workshop on E-Learning Objects and Systems. Grosvenor Hotel (Walt Disney resort), Orlando, Florida, June 3-4, 2004. WCA (13th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists) Interactive Workshops - Monitoring the Anaesthetic Machine in English (with Professors Nathalie Nathan, Nigel Harper and Martin Lessard). Friday April 23, 2004, 11.00 - 12.30, Room 243, Paris, France WCA (13th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists) workshop: Progressing Anaesthesia Safety. A workshop organized by the WCA Safety and Quality of Practice Committee, in English, Oral presentation - "The Virtual Anesthesia Machine", Thursday April 22, 14.00 - 16.00, Conference C084, Paris, France WCA (13th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists) Hands-on simulation workshop - Detection of simulated intraoperative equipment malfunctions, in English, Thursday, April 22, 2004, 11.00 - 12.30, Room Ternes 1, Neuilly side, METI HPS Simulation Workshops, Paris, France WCA (13th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists) Hands-on simulation workshop - Detection of simulated intraoperative equipment malfunctions, in French (with Jean Etienne BAZIN), Wednesday, April 21, 2004, 15.30 - 17.00, Room Ternes 1, Neuilly side, METI HPS Simulation Workshops, Paris, France WCA (13th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists) Interactive Workshops - Monitoring the Anaesthetic Machine in English (with Professors Nathalie Nathan, Nigel Harper and Martin Lessard). Tuesday April 20, 2004, 9 - 10.30 am, Room 253, level 2, Paris, France WCA (13th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists) Scientific Communications Session - Education, Oral presentation "Internationalizing a free anesthesia machine simulation and workbook" - abstract. Monday, April 19, 2004, 14.15 - 14.30, Room 253, level 2, Paris, France APSF (Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation) booth at American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) meeting, October 2003, San Francisco, CA ASA (American Society of Anesthesiologists) poster presentation "The Virtual Anesthesia Machine: An Experiment in Sustainable Philanthropic Education over the Web", October 2003, San Francisco, CA. Poster in FlashPaper format Universidad Veracruzana, Hospital Escuela de Ginecologia y Obstetricia, Lecture - "The Spanish Virtual Anesthesia Machine", Veracruz, Mexico, July 18, 2003 14th International Conference on College Teaching and Learning, The Virtual Anesthesia Machine: An educational experiment combining web simulation and philanthropy. Poster presentation. Jacksonville, Florida, April 4, 2003 APSF (Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation) booth at American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) 2002 meeting, October 2002, Orlando, FL ASATT (American Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians) meeting, October 2002, Orlando, FL ACVA (American College of Veterinary Anesthesiologists) annual meeting, exhibit and abstract presentation, October 2002, Orlando, FL Poster in FlashPaper format CSA (Chinese Society of Anesthesiologists) September 2002, Nanjing, China STA (Society for Technology in Anesthesia), January 2002 - abstract, Santa Clara, CA ASA (American Society of Anesthesiologists) October 2001 - abstract and scientific exhibit, New Orleans, LA SEA (Society for Education in Anesthesia) June 2001 - panel lecture, Cleveland, OH GAARRC (Gulf-Atlantic Annual Resident's Research Conference) April 2001 - abstract, Galveston, TX STA (Society for Technology in Anesthesia) January 2001 - abstract, Scottsdale, AZ CIA (Computers in Anesthesia) XXI Annual Meeting, October 2000 - invited panel lecture, Monterey, CA STA (Society for Technology in Anesthesia) January 2000 - abstract,
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